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I broke it immediantely while being attacked, i put all of my units in the armory so i could camp there and survive. Then when the zombies came, they all got stuck on the desk and couldn't do anything, but one got through and started attacking me, but i was backing up at the time and got phased through a wall.


Great game though, it's well made


yes, that is something that needs to be fixed.

thank you for notifying CAJJI about the problem

sincerely, packman12341 

(1 edit) (+1)

hi developer i want say that to that...this game is really nice i like to play it...i played this with my friend and it was very fun...thanks for this game i like how it look like


Check out my video



why is there no multiplayer rooms?


The games are hosted by players so if no one else is playing multiplayer which is nearly always there will be no rooms if you want a room the best chance is to get some friends to play


Thanks for the great game. Do you mind if my friends and I make a video?


Thanks! And go ahead, I love videos :)

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Hi I think this game is amazing well done making it! Me and my friends made a copy of it that we play together.(its multiplayer with the soldiers because we just hide in control room)

Dont worry we dont sell it, its just for us.

if you still dont approve I will ask my friends to delete the remake and i will delete the remake.


No worries! Thank you, that's awesome :)

I'm curious to see the remake, I know some people also wanted the soldiers in multiplayer

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Ill try to upload the files. There are also some other thing me and my friends added but i dont know if i can upload them because the game is 9 gigabytes (I made alot of changes with my friends)


I know this is a dumb question because its been 2 months since you said this but, are you planning on releasing your files for the game or was it not possible for you, i am very interested in your version of the multiplayer

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I might post them im having trouble every time i upload them (well try to upload them) I have a bluescreen


Improve the shooting mechanics and then the game is better


this game is really fun with friends but how do we mix the cure and complete the map


Thanks! here's a rundown of how to make the cure:

1. Inject an infected's DNA into the cure computer.
2. Gather the needed ingredients and adjust their temperatures.
3. Place the ingredients into the cure computer.
4. Wait for it to mix then take the cure from the bottom slot.

For more detail:
1. Find the injector gun near the cure computer in the Control Room (looks like a pistol, but with a needle on the end)
2. Kill an infected, then approach its corpse and "shoot" it with the injector gun. This might only work on fresh corpses.
3. Go back to the cure computer and "shoot" the square platter on the computer, the one on the right side.
4. The computer will generate a cure and tell you the ingredients needed. The higher the difficulty, the more ingredients needed.
5. The ingredients will be a list of Beakers, such as "Hot Blue Beaker", or "Cold Green Beaker".
6. Start by finding all of the correctly colored Beakers and bring them back to the Control Room.
7. Next you need to make them "Hot" or "Cold". You will find small devices near the cure computer with red and blue buttons.
8. Place a Beaker on the device and press the red button for "Hot", or the blue button for "Cold".
9. Wait until the number on the device reaches the target temperature (100 or -100).
10. Take the beaker and place it into the square slot on the cure computer, the one on the left side.
11. If the beaker is the correct color and temperature, the computer will accept the beaker, otherwise it will reject the beaker.
12. Repeat steps 8 to 10 until all the ingredients are added. You can add them in any order.
13. Once all ingredients are added, the computer will mix the cure. When it's done, pick up the cure and take it with you when you evacuate.


Next question, how do we evacuate?


Oh shoot, sorry I didn't see the notification for this comment!

If you look at the maps on the wall, or in the Control Room, you'll see a blip that indicates where the exit is. If you go to the exit and open the door, you'll be automatically evacuated. 

BUT, the blip will only appear AFTER you've survived until the timer runs out (shown on the Control Room interface). Just make sure you repair the transmissions when they go down, since the timer will pause until they've been repaired.

If a transmission needs to be repaired, you will hear a beep and be notified in the top left of your screen. You can find the broken transmission by going to the flashing red blip on the map.


I had a good time with my buddies

(1 edit) (+4)

Can I remake this for VR (with windows port)?


Hey SmithMama,
I appreciate the offer, but I would prefer to keep Control Room as more of an isolated project for the time being. But if things change in the future I'll be sure to let you know!


I'm really just looking for more games to put into my project VR/PC FPS Remakes.

Thanks for the reply!

You're the only one whose actually replied to my post (except OneManArmy, who called me PatrickR2020 and then banned me from the page).

I'm giving full credits to the devs of these games, so if you do let me remake Control Room, I will make sure that there are links to the official game page and your profile.


this game is amazing way scarier than i expected it to be i will have a lot of fun with this 


So my friend was using this on linux and the game starts up all fine, music plays, the screens change in the menu but it doesn't react to any inputs and the mouse can only move

Any ideas on how to fix this?

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm having the same issue, my distro is Manjaro 20.0.3. I can send any additional info. Hope someone can help with that. Thx)


I figured this out. In the file "~/.config/unity3d/CAJJI/Control\ Room/Player.log" was a line telling that wasn't found. So in Arch-based distros you can download the lib32-gtk2 package. If it wouldn't help, check the log file and install required package.


The gunplay could be more satisfying. And aiming down the sights would be cool too. May even an attachment system in ome of the later updates. Nice game!


Does this game support gamepads?


Unfortunately not :(, only mouse and keyboard


is this online

Yep! You'll probably have to play with friends though, it's rare to find a random lobby


very rare


Hey!! I played it and LOVED the concept!! its a great idea.

Something I find really bothering though: it's too difficult to use that big panel since I have to center the camera over many objects and the camera result moving from side to side :(
It would be great if I could touch 'E' to "zoom in" and then use a mouse cursor for that, just a thought.

Keep it up!

Thanks gonzapapa!

I understand what you mean about interacting with the panel, it can be troublesome sometimes. If you hold right-click, you should be able to zoom in and "aim" a bit better. I know it's not exactly what you have in mind, but hopefully it helps a bit!

Glad you enjoy the game :D


Does multiplayer work yet?

Yep, it's always been working!

If you dont see any lobbies, there may be none made, or they may already be in game. Its best to play with friends because the multiplayer isnt as active as other games!


I will try to get some of my streamer friends to play it to increase it's popularity.

Thanks pieandtakoz!

Hope you enjoy the multiplayer :D! if you get confused about "the cure" in multiplayer, I wrote some instructions in the comments below.


Good game! There are some rough edges but that is to be expected early on. A little more detail might help. 9/10. Good game to play for an hour or so. Gonna play a again! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

for some reason, when I've started to try to launch the game, a window pops up with a loading bar, but then immediately disappears and nothing happens. Not sure why but I can't seem to launch the game basically.

Hey Mattyw,
Do you mind if I ask what OS you're using? Windows, Mac, or Linux?

There shouldn't be any loading bar when starting the game; does the window say "Extracting"? It could be that you're running the .exe inside of the .zip file instead of extracting the files.

Let me know if this makes sense, if not, I can try walk you through it more!


I'm using Windows. I'm pretty sure I've extracted it and I directly run ControlRoom_v1.62. The picture of the split second loading window is shown here. Sorry I have not replied in some time!

No worries!
Ahh, I see. I'm not entirely sure why that's happening, but I made a small change based on what I could find through Google.

Can you let me know if this build has the same problem? You should be able to click "Download" in the top right corner.


Truly a masterpiece of an idea. I've played it several times on my pc and it still gives me a horrifying experience.

 If It does come out on Android someday I'll definitely be playing it on my spare time. Please make Android and platform for this game that'll be epic

Deleted 4 years ago

Hey Calypso,

Unfortunately I'm not quite sure why that may be happening :(, but you can try this solution and see if it works for you:


thanks for the help, its just a weird thing on mac where you have to use the app "the unarchiver" instead of the default mac unzipping app, this is the case for most games. Well I'll be making a video soon on your game, so be ready for that! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

This game was actually pretty fun, although it was a bit lacking in the graphics area. My friend, who was assigned to figure out the cure, couldn't figure out how to heat or cool. If you want to see some genuinely funny horror, I made a video with a friend on the game.

LMAO I loved the video! Thanks for playing!

I agree, the graphics can definitely be improved. The cure is also a bit confusing to make, basically you have to use the small devices found in the Control Room near the Cure Computer to change the temperature of the beakers.

Also, you can turn your flashlight on with F!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey CAJJI, is this game still be developed/worked on? Or have you cancled this project. I love the concept and Im all for it, id love to see it continued. 


Hey Soup,

The game isn't cancelled, but it is on hiatus for the time being. I'm currently working on some other projects at the moment while I gain more experience and funding, but Control Room will be much more epic one day :)



This is a relief and I hope to see this game finished in the future.


Enter my FPS game jam if you want to compete against other games (if anyone else joins).


how do i make the cure?

Hey h3lp, sorry the instructions aren't super clear LOL

1. Inject an infected's DNA into the cure computer.
2. Gather the needed ingredients and adjust their temperatures.
3. Place the ingredients into the cure computer.
4. Wait for it to mix then take the cure from the bottom slot.

For more detail:
1. Find the injector gun near the cure computer in the Control Room (looks like a pistol, but with a needle on the end)
2. Kill an infected, then approach its corpse and "shoot" it with the injector gun. This might only work on fresh corpses.
3. Go back to the cure computer and "shoot" the square platter on the computer, the one on the right side.
4. The computer will generate a cure and tell you the ingredients needed. The higher the difficulty, the more ingredients needed.
5. The ingredients will be a list of Beakers, such as "Hot Blue Beaker", or "Cold Green Beaker".
6. Start by finding all of the correctly colored Beakers and bring them back to the Control Room.
7. Next you need to make them "Hot" or "Cold". You will find small devices near the cure computer with red and blue buttons.
8. Place a Beaker on the device and press the red button for "Hot", or the blue button for "Cold".
9. Wait until the number on the device reaches the target temperature (100 or -100).
10. Take the beaker and place it into the square slot on the cure computer, the one on the left side.
11. If the beaker is the correct color and temperature, the computer will accept the beaker, otherwise it will reject the beaker.
12. Repeat steps 8 to 10 until all the ingredients are added. You can add them in any order.
13. Once all ingredients are added, the computer will mix the cure. When it's done, pick up the cure and take it with you when you evacuate.


Amazing game, but needs a larger community so you could play multiplayer. Please try to get some youtubers to play this game or something along those lines. I would love to see this game get a good community. Also, needs some graphical polishing, but gameplay is fantastic. 8/10 needs better graphics/larger community.




ty scrubz


It was lagging on my crap pc :( but I hope I could play it.I tried it on my other pc and it was pretty fun but I hope I can play with my brother on the old pc:p


can we play with bot units in multiplayer


Unfortunately not :(. Only in single player.


Bro this game is lit, had a lot of fun playing whit a friend.Even tho i think that its hard even on easy mode. I Just hope you keep updating this game because i love the idea. Keep up the good work bro.


its a really fun game but in the vid my friend controlled my gun



I love this video, especially at 6:30 LMAO. I've never actually seen that bug where another player can control your gun, but it's pretty funny.

Glad you guys like the game, thanks for playing!


Very good game!, i would love to see more maps implemented into the game. very nice game i hope to see that this game develops and becomes more populated.


Love this game! Plays super great! You went for gameplay first over graphics and I approve! The game runs great, and with multiple people, itends up being super fun. Having one guy assist via a control panel, and the rest scanning the facility for the cure ingredients is just great fun!


I love this game, unique idea and vibe makes it awesome. However, even though everyone claims it is too hard I find it too easy. I have never lost (just once to see what happens) and I have tried every map on insane, I have even tried putting just one assault on each unit. Maybe my strategy is just too OP (can tell some more about it). Anyway it needs optimalisation.

(1 edit)

Edit: The below issue has been fixed with the recent update!

Hey Koczkodan!

I have to agree with you. In the most recent update I adjusted the difficulties so that the player has a full squad regardless of which difficulty setting they choose, but I think this may have thrown off the balance too much. I'm thinking I may revert that design choice to bring back the original difficulty, but I also want to add something new with that update when I have time.

Thank you for playing!!


this game only for big boys


Fun game, cant wait till future updates


Looks hella good, but needs some optimization


wehn ois opdate

pls gimme uptade 


it come soonish S:J


mars rover did it

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