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did you make the soundtrack? and if you didnt where did you get it.. shi too fire 

The majority of the soundtrack was made by a friend of mine!

You can find his music here:

The game is super good, I love it. I love that you have to manage your staff during situations It s cool


Damn, I had a lot of fun playing this game, I hope you make a new game like this one day

(2 edits) (+1)

I was playing little less than 30 min ago

(1 edit) (+1)

literally just remembered this game. i played it all the time with my friends
before the great fall

anyway im about to play it again but was wondering if you ever have thoughts of updating it, if you do please reply

Haha, that's great to hear!

Unfortunately there won't be any future updates. It's an old game and I don't have any time to invest into it :(

But it's still a game I loved working on and if I won the lottery, I would've loved to make a sequel.


Hey CAJJI! Really loved playing this game with my friend, super fun. I was wondering how you implemented Multiplayer for this game, as I was trying to do something similar. I'd greatly appreciate it if you reached out and let me know.

Awesome game!

Hey MK_Codes,

Sorry for the late reply, but I used Photon for the multiplayer. It's a package for Unity that you can get from the Asset Store. If you Google "Photon Unity" it should be the first few results.

The game is a few years old, but I think the version I used was PUN2. There may be a newer version by now but I'm not sure. It was available for free up to a certain amount of players and has good documentation and samples for learning.

Thank you!

When you guys hop on I might be able to play

sombody even play on multiplayer? i dont think so 🤔

Please make the game for android

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there will be future update?

Is there a way to make my game less bright? One light is blinding for some reason.

so, is there a ControlRoom.x86_64 file or is it only ControlRoom.x86? cuz my pc wont launch the game no matter what i do on my linux. please help me with this.

macos version says 'The application "" can't be opened'.

can you fix this?


Is there a match making system or do we need friend (asking for a friend)

You'll probably want to get a friend to join. Technically you can join open rooms, but it's rare that you'll find one.

Who playz tho?

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This game is awesome! the concept is great, i have a lot
 of fun with my friends, i really hope
 you will make a next game or an update to improve the
 game, because honestly its one of the 
best i tried on itch. Ah eh if you read this message I
 would like to know when approximately.

ok fucker im back, majoring in comp sci now. Yo bitchass better watch out for when I release the unofficial update that THE PEOPLE deserve. (all love if u look at my older comments youll see ive been around in these comments for a while now). Fr tho this shit kinda shaped my life. idk how


Good luck. Game dev is a treacherous (but rewarding) path.
If you ever need help understanding how things work just let me know. I don't have much time to do coding work, but if there's something you want to make but don't know where to start I'd be more than happy to help.

where it at

I’m in college??? Patience dawg I ain’t had the time to finish any of it. I promise I do actually plan on making at least my own unofficial update to this eventually.


When is the next update?




Yea bro shits abandoned.


new update releasing tmrw ;)


ayyyy glad I woke up to this message, can't wait!


I'm sorry, I was making a bad joke. I don't know why I thought that was funny. But eventually there will be more Control Room content! It will probably be quite a while, but I definitely want to make a sequel in the future.

God I feel bad, I'm sorry LOL. The joke really wasn't as obvious as I thought.


Oooooh dw bout it all good haha got me good tho lmao


love this game can you add more scps like aliens zombies and other stuff


i some how got all the security with me to fight the zombies


This is fun, but I do have a suggestion for a future update, it would pretty much be as so:
You and 4 teams (A, B, C, and D) are on an expedition to capture a new SCP and you control everything from a high-tech SCP van. Just a suggestion but I personally think it would be cool, also maybe more enemies... that's all cheers!


That's very similar to an idea I had for the sequel if it's ever made ;)

Oh cool!

(1 edit) (+1)

i remember playing this thing to death due to the sandboxy nature of the game great job! :)

(2 edits) (+2)

In my opinion, this is one of the most unique games that I have ever experienced, I played this two years ago and I came back to it again, I hope someday you'll make a sequel as you've been kinda hinting at with other comments, I'll always check back for an update!


I hate you I started game development just so i could make a multiplayer port of the singleplayer mode 1 year later and a ton of procrastination and im still struggling to get it to work >:(

This is the most flattering insult. Don't give up!


can you re open the game and add some more stuff into the game, make more maps and add a medic that has a pistol and can heal the team, and on the control board have a door health bar and you can add another guy with a machine gun and he can repair the doors or rebuild them back if their broken. 


he stopped working on the game, so its not going to be added


make a new version of it with better stuff re work the whole game 


Easier said than done


Wish the game did not lag so much. Good nevertheless.
(I've already lowered the resolution, but at that point it can still get slower and things are barely visible.)

- Playing on Linux Mint 20.3


can multiplayer only be played with friends?

Nope, you can play with anyone! The game's not that active, so it may be rare to see other lobbies open




hey question can you plz read my other comment i really want this game to get some more cool features like a medic and a door health bar on the control system  




is the game available on 32bit ?


IM craving more can you make more solo maps plz. I beg of you make more maps. I feel if you do it would get much attention. also plz make more setting so I can customize the game more, I would like to see another unit like a medic unit so we have more then just engineer or assault to pick from. or maybe on the control console have a emergency generator so if your power cuts off we can turn a backup generator on but it uses gas and you have a gas gage on the control board so if you run out of gas the generator shuts back off. and I love the control aspect keep that I like to control everything I love this game. like can you plz if your reading this do some stuff for me plz. ill give you ideas to make the game better also. or also add a door health system so when you see the door on the control board when you press E or H on it it shows its health somewhere on the control board. Thanks

Hey packman,

I saw your other reply, so I want to respond! Unfortunately Control Room won't be receiving updates - partially because it's quite old, and also because I have other projects that I'm working on. You can read more about it in the Development Log section above Comments.

But thank you very much for the feedback! I've wanted to create a sequel that includes some of the things you mentioned, such as medic units, and many more types of maps. However it may be years before I'll have time to start on it :(.

I'm very glad you enjoy the game! Thanks again!


is their a way that I can help you I actually have so many decant ideas of stuff you could add to make it more complex and strategic. I think if you make a sequel with more stuff that am suggesting it would be a huge hit. I mean huge.


what is the music called, its FIRE!!!

The music was made by a friend of mine! You can find his sound cloud at the bottom of this page's description :)


hey I really want some good updates to the game like more things to do on the control board that adds to solo mode or luck unlockable maps so if you survive a map on any level you can play next map on solo mode. 


Really good game, especially in multiplayer. I think this has the potential to be quite popular if more people discover it.


i like your game. I made a video if youre interested in that stuff 


Good god, i played this by myself at night for the first time, amazing and terrifying would recommend.


Just played this with some friends...One of the best game's I played in a while...not a fan of the art style, but the gameplay is rock solid. I would add more enemy types and make the enemies more difficult as you get closer to the end, but other than that it's great!


I wished I had friends to play this with lol


I played your game with a large group of my friends and we completely ignored the horror aspect of the game and it was very funny



This game is genuinely wonderful. It has everything a game should and can have.


I broke it immediantely while being attacked, i put all of my units in the armory so i could camp there and survive. Then when the zombies came, they all got stuck on the desk and couldn't do anything, but one got through and started attacking me, but i was backing up at the time and got phased through a wall.


Great game though, it's well made


yes, that is something that needs to be fixed.

thank you for notifying CAJJI about the problem

sincerely, packman12341 

(1 edit) (+1)

hi developer i want say that to that...this game is really nice i like to play it...i played this with my friend and it was very fun...thanks for this game i like how it look like


Check out my video


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